accident lawyers canada

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Legal Information

LAWYER HELPLINE: 855 804 7125

Whilst every reasonable effort is made to ensure that any law outlined on this website is accurate, the information provided by 'Accident Lawyers Canada' is for educational purposes only and is not legal advice or medical advice which should only be obtained personally from a qualified lawyer or doctor. The law in Canada varies dependent on province and care should be taken and advice only obtained from a local lawyer. The website is an advertisement for 'Accident Lawyers Canada' which is a legal referral service that does not give legal or medical advice nor does it warrant the validity of the information nor does it guarantee the quality of the work done by any lawyer. Do not use this website to disregard any legal or medical advice, nor should you delay seeking medical advice or legal advice or representation because of something you have read or seen on this website. You should not act on, or rely on, any information on the website without personally seeking the independent advice of a qualified lawyer or doctor. All enquiries to 'Accident Lawyers Canada' are referred to a qualified lawyer for advice and the site is not responsible for his/her actions or subsequent selections and actions. The website owners expressly disclaim all warranties including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. The website owners disclaim all responsibility for any loss, injury, claim, or damage of any kind resulting from, arising out of or in any way related to the website. Mere consideration of the website does not create a lawyer-client relationship between you and the proprietors of the website. No contractual relationship is intended to be created between you and the proprietors of the website. All enquiries to 'Accident Lawyers Canada' are passed on to qualified lawyers and a lawyer/client relationship does not exist until your claim is accepted and confirmed in writing by the lawyer concerned.


The time period during which legal action for claiming compensation can be commenced is restricted and is governed by various rules usually referred to as 'The Statute of Limitation'. The expiry of the 'Limitation Period' prevents the commencement of a legal action and extinguishes the legal right to claim damages. Each province in Canada has its own general limitation statues and there may also be other relevant provincial and federal statutes which apply to different types of claim. Limitation periods are usually strictly enforced to ensure certainty and finality to the legal process, however there are often exceptions relating to children and the mentally disabled. Generally speaking the limitation period only starts to run when the relevant facts have been discovered, or ought to have been discovered by a reasonably diligent applicant. Limitation matters are often complex legal issues and it is essential that qualified legal advice is obtained without delay in regards to these time periods due to the ever changing nature of the legislation.


'Accident Lawyers Canada' take security and privacy seriously when managing personal data and information. Any information provided by you in completing a form will only be forwarded to a lawyer so that they may contact you and provide you with legal advice. Personal information supplied by you to this website, will not be used for any other purpose. We will correct any erroneous information on file at your request. We will delete all information held by us at the conclusion of your claim. No personal information is held on this website however if we become aware that security has been compromised as a result of external activity, measures which we deem appropriate will be urgently taken to resolve the position.


Any personal data relating to you gathered by us during your use of this service will be recorded and any information provided by you in completing the form will be forwarded to a lawyer so that they may contact you and provide you with legal advice. Personal information supplied by you to this website, will not be used for any other purpose. 'Accident Lawyers Canada' will correct any erroneous information held on file at your request. All information is kept securely and is backed up off site. 'Accident Lawyers Canada' will delete all information held by us at the conclusion of your claim.

LAWYER HELPLINE: 855 804 7125