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Swimming Accident Lawyers - Injury Compensation

LAWYER HELPLINE: 855 804 7125

Our personal injury lawyers offer expertise that is second to none in Canada. If one of our swimming accident lawyers represents you in your personal injury compensation claim you may rest assured that your case will be dealt with in an efficient, business like manner. If you would like to talk to a lawyer, just make contact and a swimming accident lawyer who deals exclusively in personal injury compensation claims will give you free advice on your swimming injury with no further obligation.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a swimming accident you may be able to recover compensation. Our swimming accident lawyers deal with personal injury compensation claims using a contingency fee arrangement which means that if you don't receive compensation then your swimming accident lawyer won't get paid. For advice at no cost on how best to pursue your claim including what actions you should take to preserve your legal rights just call the helpline or complete the contact form or email our offices. A swimming accident lawyer will telephone you immediately to discuss your compensation claim without further obligation.

Swimming Pool Accidents

Hundreds of Canadian children and adults will drown in a swimming pool accident this year. Those who survive often suffer from brain damage and spinal cord injuries. The most common causes of these accidents include:


Contamination of pools by E. Coli and other bacteria can cause serious injuries. Chlorine kills most bacteria, but some bacteria can survive normal levels of chlorine for several days. Unless proper chlorine levels are maintained, the level of contamination can rise and result in injuries to swimmers.


Diving accidents often result from poorly designed or constructed pools in which the diving board is located in an area of the pool that is too shallow for safe diving. Injuries often occur to the head and neck leading to drowning, brain injury and spinal cord injury. Approximately 10% of all serious injuries resulting in paraplegia are caused as a result of diving accidents.

Swimming for Competition and Recreation

Canadian swimming is a very competitive sport that consists of a short and long course pool competition as well as open water events. These are just a portion of the masters swimming; however, for the most part these are the most popular competitions in the masters swimming events in Canada.

The sport of swimming in Canada has progressed immensely over the years in Canada with a total of forty Olympic medals awarded to Canadian swimmers in recent years. They are expected to continue their international participation with the same kind of success as they have been so fortunate to experience thus far. It has been a long winding road, but the coaches and athletes alike expect to keep paddling forward.

As with any sport, however, injuries can and do occur in swimming competitions. Swimming is mostly a low-impact sport and so injuries do not happen as often as they do in other sports. The most common swimming injuries seem to happen in the shoulders, knees, hips, or back. It all really depends on the type of stroke that the athlete uses most often. The shoulder is the most common injury in swimming when the pressure on the rotator cuff from part of the shoulder blade or scapula as the arm is lifted. Statistics show that the shoulder and upper arm accounted for 31% of male swimmer injuries and 36% for female swimmers.

Injuries are not the only danger in competitive swimming as some accidents can even lead to death if cautionary measures are not employed. More deaths happen in the swimming portion of triathlons than in any other part. Statistics show that that drowning is the third-leading cause of death worldwide.

So as stated above, with any sport it is important to exercise the proper safety procedures to help avoid injury and even death. Swimming is no different. Never go swimming alone, no matter if it’s for recreation or competition, always have somebody there in case of an emergency.

Swimming injuries, drowning and death are serious concerns especially to our youths. Every year thousands of people suffer some kind of swimming injury and even worse, death can occur as the result of a fatal swimming related injury accident, such as head injuries.

Did you know that one out of every five people who die from drowning is a child under 14? Those between the ages of one and four have the highest mortality rate from drowning, aside from in the bath, most deaths occur in in-ground private home pools or above ground temporary pools. Education and swimming lessons at an early age are crucial in preventing or cutting down swimming accidents and fatalities. It is critical that we educate especially the young on specific rules to follow when engaging in swimming activities.

Drowning is a serious concern when engaging in any swimming related activity. *According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), between 2011 and 2012 there were 204 reported drownings in Canada, though not all Provinces or Territories reported and there was no distinction of how these drownings occurred, but 38 were caused by submersion. It is important to only swim when a lifeguard is on duty. Lifeguards are trained to recognize danger. In addition, a lifeguard can end up saving someone from drowning or resuscitating victims of near drowning. More than half of all near drowning victims require further care or must be transferred for additional care after a visit to the emergency department. Loss of oxygen to the brain for more than four minutes can lead to significant brain damage, coma, paralysis, or permanent immobility or a vegetative condition.

Drowning can occur when a person swims out too far at the lake, ocean, or bay area. A person may become tired and unable to continue swimming and of course the end result could be a drowning fatality. In addition, being caught up in a swift and powerful current can cause a person to drown. Therefore, swimming should only be done in areas where the beaches are patrolled and lifeguards are on duty. 

Aside from drowning, swimming injuries are common occurrences. A swimming injury may result from someone possibly diving into shallow water. A person should never dive in just a few feet of water. Diving in shallow water can result in serious head, neck and spinal injuries. Some injuries of this nature lead to paralysis. 

When swimming in a pool it is best to stay away from any drainage areas. All swimming pools have drains as well as a drainage system. Fingers and toes can easily become lodged within a drain. It is possible to end up losing a finger or toe if you are caught in a pool drain or worse if the swimmer panics.

When using a diving board it is best to exercise caution. Diving boards can become slippery, causing a person to easily slip and fall. Slip and fall injuries, especially in or around a pool are quite commonplace. In addition, if you elect to use a raft or surf board make sure you leave enough space so that other swimmers have enough room to swim and play without coming in direct contact with the surf board. It is quite easy to get hit with a hard surf board. Surf boards can cause serious injury to the head, face and other areas of the body. 

Common Causes of Swimming Accidents

Deficient swimming knowledge, swimming lessons save lives

Deficient barriers, no pool fences – four-sided fences separating the pool from the house or other yards can prevent up to 80 percent of accidental drownings

Deficient supervision – drownings sometimes happen too fast to prevent without close supervision of non-swimmers

Location – older children drown most often away from home

Alcohol use – up to 70 percent of all swimming accidents in late teen and adults

Swimming Accident Lawyers

If you or a loved one has been involved in any type of swimming accident that resulted in significant injuries and hospitalization, permanent paralysis, or death we can help you get compensation from insurance companies or a negligent operator.

Our swimming accident lawyers are experienced at negotiating settlements with large insurance corporations and in court. Although only about 10 percent of claims ever go to court, it’s best to retain a team of professionals that have knowledge of both, should a trial become necessary.

Application of CPR

Finally, swimming can be a great deal of fun as well as good exercise. However, you must be cautious at all times and follow safety regulations. It only takes a few seconds for a serious swimming injury to occur. Caution can keep one safe when swimming.

You would be well-advised to contact a personal injury lawyer at the earliest opportunity after an injury, swimming or otherwise. Personal injury attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable with both negotiating settlements with insurance companies and in-court settlements.

The cost of after-care for temporary or permanent brain damage can be very expensive, including 24-hour nurses, moderations to homes and vehicles, and frequent doctor’s visits. Our team of expert lawyers can help you start the process of filling out insurance forms and assist you throughout the process, even providing legal representation in court, if necessary. 

Even though no one wants to be involved in a lengthy legal process, some things are necessary. Give us a call, send us an email, or set up an appointment for a consultation with a swimming accident lawyer. There’s no obligation, it’s confidential, and best of all it’s free. So, take the first step and leave the rest to the professionals.

Swimming Accident Facts & Figures

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